Dr. Tonia Nguyen Field Project Coordinator
Front Porch
Center for Innovation and Wellbeing

Tonia Nguyen, OTD, OTR/L is a Field Project Coordinator for Front Porch Center for Innovation and Wellbeing (FPCIW). She investigates emerging consumer technology innovation and collaborates with various stakeholders including start-up and established technology companies, researchers, senior care professionals, and older adult community members. With these stakeholders, Dr. Nguyen facilitates the design, piloting, and training of outside-of-the-box solutions that optimize wellness, independence, and accessibility for older adults at Front Porch Communities and the aging community at large. Currently, her primary focus at FPCIW includes virtual reality solutions, multisensory interventions, and Voice First/smart home technologies to promote aging-in-place.
With her background in occupational therapy, Dr. Nguyen strongly believes supporting individuals’ continued ability to engage in meaningful activity across the lifespan is a major key to health and wellbeing. She is passionate about collaboration between healthcare providers, product designers, and end-users to innovate accessible and functional technology solutions for challenges in health, lifestyle, and wellness.
Dr. Nguyen holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, Master of Arts degree in Occupational Therapy, and Doctorate of Occupational Therapy (OTD) degree all from the University of Southern California.